EuroCC-Latvia explains the use of HPC on Latvian National Radio

Even if we do not realize it, our everyday lives are closely related to supercomputers, for example, their ability to predict the weather or process large amounts of data in medicine. Ilmars Slaidins, the leading researcher from Riga Technical University’s High-Performance Computing (HPC) Center and the project manager at EuroCC2 project or HPC Competence Center in Latvia “SuperS”, Janis Virbulis, the deputy project manager at “SuperS” and the leading researcher at the Institute of Numerical Modeling at the University of Latvia, and Davids Fridmanis, the leading researcher of the Latvian Biomedical Research and Study Center talked about the evolution of supercomputers at Latvian National Radio.

Full interview from the National Radio program “Zinamais nezinamaja” in Latvian is available here.