SMEs as well as public administration will be able to use supercomputer services

Latvian SMEs and public administration will be able to increase their competitiveness by using High-Performance Computing (HPC) or supercomputers offered by the “EuroCC 2” project in Latvia that is implemented by Riga Technical University (RTU) and University of Latvia (University of Latvia).

During the project, specialists from both universities will offer events to inform about the supercomputer’s opportunities for the use of SMEs and public institutions. One of the sets of events, the open HPC Week, will take place at the end of June.

The HPC or supercomputer resources, allow you to solve complex computing tasks in a relatively short time, as well as to perform a variety of simulations and calculations up to 100 times faster and more accurately than it would happen when working with a personal computer, because computing is done by high power computers, which is now a part of any modern university used both, for example, for engineering calculations, high data analysis and machine learning tasks.

«Our goal is to help Latvian small and medium-sized entrepreneurs, state and municipal institutions and scientists become more competitive in the international environment, using the capabilities provided by the supercomputer. The Latvian HPC Competence Center is the first place to get support for the use of HPC infrastructure,» says Ilmārs Slaidiņš, a leading researcher at RTU and the head of the EuroCC 2 project.

The EuroCC 2 project will host regional seminars, business breakfasts for SMEs, HPC training for beginners and experienced HPC users, a yearly – Baltic HPC and Cloud Conference, as well as creating an online training course (MOOC) on HPC and Latvian HPC Information Network. “We can attract a wider range of experts to provide practical support to anyone who wants to use the HPC cluster in their work,” says Janis Virbulis, a leading researcher at the University of Latvia. Organizations wishing to discover whether HPC solutions are suitable for achieving their goals are invited to contact Latvia’s High-Performance Competence Center by writing to [email protected] and applying for a free consultation.

The EuroCC 2 project is a sequential continuation of the EuroCC project, which lasted from 2020 to 2022 and has established an international network of High-Performance computing competence centers. Latvia, together with more than 30 European countries, has created an HPC competence map, which can be used by scientists and entrepreneurs to find experts to provide advice on HPC issues when communicating with the HPC centers of competence. Local and international events have also been organized to discuss the benefits of a supercomputer.

In May, the Latvian Council of Science supported the co-financing of the continuation of the project, which will last until 2025, with 33 European countries. The project’s total funding is EUR 62 million, of which EUR 1 million is part of Latvia’s funding. Half of them are funded by the EuroHPC Joint Undertaking, which receives the support of the Digital Europe program, and the other half – by the Latvian state.

Information prepared by Kintija Bulava, [email protected]