Invitation for Vidzeme region SMEs and public administration to explore the possibilities of a supercomputer

How to save money and time by introducing supercomputers or High-Performance Computing (HPC) resources in everyday processes – SMEs from Vidzeme region and public administration will be able to find out at a seminar what will happen at Vidzeme University (Terbatas Street 10, Valmiera) on 28th of February.

The seminar will be able to explore the increase in the role of supercomputing players in European countries accumulated in the EuroHPC project “National Centers of Competence within EuroHPC” (EuroCC 2), applied solutions for specific projects of local governments and businesses, expected benefits and ways to increase the efficiency of digital technology use.

The seminar will also teach more about HPC opportunities, training, open and informative days, and mentor and consultative specific assistance already provided by the project.

The seminar invites existing and potential users of HPC – scientists, faculty, students, SME’s and public sector specialists, IT teachers and talented high school students.

Working language – latvian.

Please register in order to participate in the seminar:

The regional seminar in Vidzeme in the five regional events cycle is organized by the HPC competence Centre in Latvia “SuperS” within the framework of the EuroCC 2 project “National Centers of Competence within EuroHPC” (EuroCC 2) in co-operation with the RTU HPC Centre and the LU Institute of Numerical Modelling.

The seminar is part of Vidzeme Innovation week 2024 events.

For more questions: [email protected]