Tag Archive for: LU Skaitliskās modelēšanas institūts
On 1st of March – supercomputer breakfast for Vidzeme region SME’s
/in News/by kintijabulavaLess than 20% of SME’s know what a supercomputer is. Less than 5% of SME’s know how they can attract investments and overtake competitors using a supercomputer, according to the observations of the Latvian HPC competence Centre “SuperS”, working with Latvian and European entrepreneurs daily.
Invitation for Vidzeme region SMEs and public administration to explore the possibilities of a supercomputer
/in News/by kintijabulava82nd International Scientific Conference of the University of Latvia: HPC session
/in News/by kintijabulavaInvitation for Kurzeme region SMEs and public administration to explore the possibilities of a supercomputer
/in News/by kintijabulavaHow to save money and time by introducing supercomputers or High-Performance Computing (HPC) resources in everyday processes – SMEs from Kurzeme region and public administration will be able to find out at a business breakfast and seminar. Both events will occur on Wednesday, November 22, at Liepaja University (Grand Street 14, 327 th auditorium).
LU scientist tests OpenFOAM on Luxembourg supercomputer MeluXina
/in News/by kintijabulavaKirils Suvorovs, senior expert and researcher at the Latvian HPC competence Centre “SuperS”, tested the scalability of the OpenFOAM programme by comparing examples to Latvian supercomputers and the Luxembourg supercomputer MeluXina, which is the 12 th most powerful supercomputer in the EU.
Company “Semantic Intelligence” trains AI algorithm on RTU supercomputer
/in News/by kintijabulavaLatvian company “Semantic Intelligence”, supported by the Latvian HPC competence Centre “SuperS”, introduced supercomputer or high-performance computing (HPC) infrastructure into its company processes. The company trains an artificial intelligence algorithm on a Riga Technical University (RTU) supercomputer.
HPC business breakfast with Zemgale SME’s
/in News/by kintijabulavaDid you know that Jelgava is an innovative company that destroys weeds with a special machine trained on a supercomputer?